The interaction of science, technology and society.
Technology influences society through its products and processes, and technological changes are often accompanied by social, political and economic changes that may be beneficial or detrimental to individuals and to society; social needs, attitudes and values influence the direction of technological development.
Grado académico:
High School – 5to.Semester
Características de los estudiantes:
Students from 16-17 years.
Objetivo general :
Students will:
Understand that travel in space is a reality around the corner nowadays.
Objetivos específicos:
Students will understand that technology can be use:
At some time in the future, there likely will be cities in space.
The first of these cities will probably be lunar based, Mars based, or space based (orbiting Earth).
Designers of such a city will have to work within the parameters of the unique conditions of the base environment.
Designers will have to consider the conditions and services that will be necessary for people living in the city.
Estrategias de aprendizaje:
Class discussion:
1. Discuss with your class the design of a large city near your area. What materials are common in buildings and other structures? What kinds of recreation facilities are available? How is power provided to the residents? What are the main businesses and industries carried out in the city? Can students think of any reasons for the characteristics they have ascribed to the city? Are the city's characteristics related to its geography, location, or available natural resources?
2. Continue the discussion by pointing out that, in the future, we are likely to have cities in space—either lunar based, Mars based, or space based (i.e., orbiting Earth). Go on to point out that, as on Earth, the characteristics of space cities will be, in part, dictated by the unique conditions of the base environment.
Technology influences society through its products and processes, and technological changes are often accompanied by social, political and economic changes that may be beneficial or detrimental to individuals and to society; social needs, attitudes and values influence the direction of technological development.
Grado académico:
High School – 5to.Semester
Características de los estudiantes:
Students from 16-17 years.
Objetivo general :
Students will:
Understand that travel in space is a reality around the corner nowadays.
Objetivos específicos:
Students will understand that technology can be use:
At some time in the future, there likely will be cities in space.
The first of these cities will probably be lunar based, Mars based, or space based (orbiting Earth).
Designers of such a city will have to work within the parameters of the unique conditions of the base environment.
Designers will have to consider the conditions and services that will be necessary for people living in the city.
Estrategias de aprendizaje:
Class discussion:
1. Discuss with your class the design of a large city near your area. What materials are common in buildings and other structures? What kinds of recreation facilities are available? How is power provided to the residents? What are the main businesses and industries carried out in the city? Can students think of any reasons for the characteristics they have ascribed to the city? Are the city's characteristics related to its geography, location, or available natural resources?
2. Continue the discussion by pointing out that, in the future, we are likely to have cities in space—either lunar based, Mars based, or space based (i.e., orbiting Earth). Go on to point out that, as on Earth, the characteristics of space cities will be, in part, dictated by the unique conditions of the base environment.
Cooperative groups:
3. Divide the class into three work teams. Team 1 will design a lunar-based city; Team 2, a Mars-based city; and Team 3, a space-based city.
3. Divide the class into three work teams. Team 1 will design a lunar-based city; Team 2, a Mars-based city; and Team 3, a space-based city.
4. Before beginning, Teams 1 and 2 should research the base environments of the moon and Mars; Team 3 should research space stations.
5. Set aside a time for the three teams to meet and plan their cities with the following questions in mind:
What building materials will be available?
Which jobs will be required; what skills will people need?
What kind of recreational facilities should be available for the inhabitants?
How will power, food, water, oxygen—the necessities—be provided?
What conditions and services will people need?
Are there any special scientific research projects that could be carried out on this base that are unique to this location?
What types of businesses and commercial services will be most likely to thrive in this city?
Selección y desarrollo de materiales y contenidos.
What building materials will be available?
Which jobs will be required; what skills will people need?
What kind of recreational facilities should be available for the inhabitants?
How will power, food, water, oxygen—the necessities—be provided?
What conditions and services will people need?
Are there any special scientific research projects that could be carried out on this base that are unique to this location?
What types of businesses and commercial services will be most likely to thrive in this city?
Selección y desarrollo de materiales y contenidos.
Computer with Internet access
(use of digital board)
Research materials related to the moon, Mars, and space stations
Images about different planets, space and space stations.
(use of digital board)
Research materials related to the moon, Mars, and space stations
Images about different planets, space and space stations.
Power point presentation (about space)
Readings The Case for Space: Who Benefits from Explorations of the Last Frontier?Paul S. Hardersenm, Shrewsbury, MA: ATL Press, Inc., 1997This book discusses ideas and plans about space and how people may continue to benefit from space exploration in the future. The author says that shuttles, space stations, satellites orbiting Earth, stations on the Moon, and spaceships landing on asteroids to mine metals will be possible in the next 50 years.
- Conceptuales:
Use of technology in space, how is going to be the interaction in the future.
- Procedimentales:
Investigation, discussion and the way of using the new technology in space.
- Actitudinales:
Accept from classmates a more imaginative and less scientific focus.
Metodología de aprendizaje:
2. Caregiver Experience
3. Case Studies
Students participate in classroom setting using listening, visual and written skills to get knowledge and awareness.
Students obtain competences by discussing experiences and practices in groups, or one-on-one.
Students discuss different options related to the class with the group.
Actividades de aprendizaje:
Actividades de inicio:
(10 min. )
Discuss the following "What ifs":
What if...the Soviet Union had never launched the Sputnik?
What if...the Apollo Program had never resulted in a landing on the Moon?
What one had ever tried to break the sound barrier?
What if...the Soviet Union had landed on the Moon first?
What were offered an opportunity to ride on the Space Shuttle?
Discuss why people want to go into space and debate whether human space exploration should be replaced with robotic missions. Are there compelling reasons why humans should have a presence in space travel?
Explain how the exploration of space is similar to an expedition to Mt. Everest.
Debate the value of the Apollo Lunar Mission Program. Support your opinion with specifics.
Debate the value of a manned mission to Mars. Support your opinion with specifics.
Discuss the benefits which could result from private industry's participation in the commercialization of space.
Explain how space travel has affected people's lives. How has it affected your life?
Actividades de desarrollo:
(25 min.)
Both the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft carry messages from planet Earth. Have students research the reasoning behind the designs and the objectives of the two messages. Have students, working in pairs, design their own messages to be carried on a spacecraft leaving the solar system. In planning their messages, students should address the following issues:
How can we communicate with a species unfamiliar with our language and culture?
How do we tell this species where we are located, or the point of origin of the spacecraft?
What should the content of the message be? How much or little information should we include, and for what reasons?
Actividades de cierre:
(10 min. )
Have students write a short conclusion about the use of technology in space.
You can evaluate the teams on their plans and presentations using the following three-point rubric:
Three points: Plan shows serious consideration of all suggested questions; presentation carefully prepared and well presented.
Two points: Plan shows serious consideration of most suggested questions; presentation adequately prepared and presented.
One point: Plan shows serious consideration of few suggested questions; presentation lacking in organization and clarity.
Unidad Didáctica elaborada por: María Teresa de Jesús Chávez Velázquez. Instituto La Salle Chihuahua. Nivel: Preparatoria. Sede Chihuahua. Julio del 2009.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarMaria Teresa:
ResponderEliminarMe gusto la idea de tu clase, es interesante para la edad. Tal vez seria bueno introducir la clase con un video para llamar la atencion de los alumnos.
Muy bien, personalmente me gusta el tema.
ResponderEliminarCon respecto a la unidad lo que más me gustó fue la parte de "What if" esto te permite no solo hacer reflexionar un sinumero de opciones a los alumnos, ya que te permite evaluar tambien su lectura y análisis del tema, en esta parte ellos pueden aplicar varias disciplinas para dar respuesta.
felicidades por este valioso ejemplo de ejercicio.
Abelardo Fernández Calderón
Instituto La Salle de Chihuahua